Without a CTR, how do you know it works? ................................................................................
There are really two ways to link a campaign with a specific and tracked URL: A subdomain or a subfolder. Both are used with your normal website.
Example subdomain: bikes.streetfightermedia.com.au
Example subfolder: www.streetfightermedia.com.au/bikes
Make sure you use analytics (we use Google) on your landing page so you can see how many visitors to the page, time on page and other metrics.
Using a unique offer code for each media avenue can show the actual conversion numbers directly from that form of media.
Look at Deliveroo's examples, where they have used different codes for each location. Additionally, you collect real data, which you can use maximise future conversions.
You can weave a unique code into your existing offer. For example, instead of offering 'First Month Free', you could offer 'Use Code 1FREE for your first month free'. The promotion is the same but results are tracked. Make your codes relevant and easy to remember.
Hashtags can bridge a gap between offline and online. Consider this...
- Using a hashtag outdoors on launch day
- Add a hashtag as a teaser element to a campaign
- Add emotional context (#somuchyes)
- Build anticipation
- Fast forward a social movement
- Hashtags online are often used amongst other hashtags. There are limited ways to emphasise one hashtag over another.
Our hashtips:
- Make your hashtags are content-driven. Saying #hashtags are #cool is not unique, difficult to track with your campaign and doesn't really add to a conversation.
- Make it memorable (and short)
- Encourage conversation, for example, instead of #parkrejuvination, #plantthis entices people to share images and opinions.
- Search hashtags for availability and check out hashtags that are similar.
Seems obvious... but asking people can give you indications into conversions and interest. And importantly, non-conversions.
- Ask your front line staff - reception, shop fronts, retailers, etc. Ask the people who make contact with your consumers. Find out whether there are trends, like more traffic.
- Add it to your web forms or documents. 'Where did you hear about us?'
- Ask your clients directly where they found out about you.
Trends are particularly easy to see if the remainder of your marketing is consistent. They are also pretty clear if one type of marketing has replaced another.
Be aware of your product's lead time. For example, buying a doughnut has a shorter lead time to buying a boat. In some cases, trends in enquiries may be more relevant than in actual purchases during a campaign.
Some trends to keep your eye on:
- The number of people making contact
- The number of purchases
- The number of patrons
- Visits to your website
- Visits to your social media pages
- Visitor quality, for example, time on sites, number of pages visited etc.
- Watch the search term activity for your brand or relevant keywords
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