wrapped in plastic ...........................................................................................

Laura Palmer

IMAGE: Instagram screenshots of #laurapalmer hashtag.

Promoting the launch of David Lynch's Twin Peaks on Stan, our 'MISSING' Laura Palmer posters used this outdoor medium perfectly; gaining a fair bit of traction on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and inspiring a few articles.

VIDEO: The creepy recording from the 'Missing' poster phone number.

Video: Ringing the Number


'Twin Peaks' missing posters are some damn fine viral marketing, CNET

‘Twin Peaks’: These Laura Palmer Missing Posters Have a Hidden Message in the Hotline, IndieWire

“Twin Peaks” Posters Pop Up in Australia With a Mysterious Phone Number, Bloody Disgusting (US)

"Missing" Laura Palmer Posters all over Sydney lead to phone number with mysterious voicemail greeting, Welcome to Twin Peaks



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